


Section 1. Name

The name of the organization shall be called Fairfax Alliance of Black School Educators (FABSE).

Section 2. Purpose

FABSE is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes.

Goal Statement             

  • To promote and facilitate the education of all students, especially those of African descent.
  • To promote the recruitment and retention of Black educators in FCPS.
  • To establish a coalition of Black educators and others directly and indirectly involved in the education process.
  • To create a forum for the exchange of ideas and strategies to improve opportunities for people of African descent.
  • To identify and develop Black professionals who will assume leadership positions in education.
  • To advocate for and influence public policy concerning the education of Black students.

The purpose of the By-Laws is to provide the technical detail needed to implement the provisions of the Constitution of the organization and to ensure the orderly and effective functioning of the Fairfax Alliance of Black School Educators (FABSE).


Section 1. Membership Candidates

Any individual or legal entity, private or governmental, interested in promoting the purposes of the Alliance may become a member in accordance with these Bylaws. The Alliance does not restrict membership on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin.

Section 2. Membership

Any person or entity dedicated to the purposes of the Alliance shall be eligible for membership by submitting a membership application and payment of such dues as applicable at the time.

Section 3.  Eligibility for Membership Types of Membership

Membership in FABSE shall be open to those persons who meet the qualifications set forth in the Constitution.  Types of membership shall consist of:

(a)    General Membership:  Any education professional having a direct or indirect influence on students and who is employed by Fairfax County Public Schools or other public or private educational institution or agency in the Northern Virginia area.

(b)   Retired Membership:  Any person who has retired from being an education professional having a direct or indirect influence on students and who was employed by Fairfax County Public Schools or other public or private educational institution or agency.

(c)    Student Membership:  Any student who is currently enrolled in a college or university program in preparation for a career in education.

(d)   Honorary Membership:  The Executive Board shall have the right to confer honorary membership by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

(e)   Individual/Corporate Sponsor Membership:  Any individual or private business that has an interest in supporting the mission and work of FABSE through public-private collaboration.

Section 4.  Rights and Privileges

General and retired members of FABSE shall be entitled to all rights and privileges, including the rights to vote and hold office. Other members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of FABSE as determined by the Executive Board, except the right to vote and hold office.

Section 5. Annual dues

Annual dues are $30.00 for General Membership and $100.00 for public or private entities.  Retired membership shall pay ½ and student membership shall pay ¼ of General Membership.

                                                ARTICLE III - Meetings of Members

Section 1. Meetings

 Regular meetings of the members shall be held quarterly, at a time and place designated by the president.

Section 2. First Meeting of the Year

 The first meeting of the members shall take place at the beginning of the fiscal year, during the month August of each year. At the initial meeting, we shall receive reports on the activities of the Alliance and determine the direction of the Alliance for the coming year.

Section 3. Special meetings

Special meetings may be called by the President, the Executive Committee, or a simple majority of the officers.  A petition signed by five percent of voting members may also call a special meeting.

Section 4. Notice of meetings

Members shall receive notification of meetings by mail or electronic mail, no less than two weeks prior to the meeting.

Section 5. Quorum

The members present at any properly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 6. Voting

All issues to be voted on shall be decided by a simple majority of those present at the meeting in which the vote takes place.


Dues will be paid annually and will be due on October 1, as follows:

(a)     Membership Dues are $30.00 per year.

(b)    Dues for retired members shall be one-half of the annually assessed dues.

(c)     Dues for student members shall be one-fourth of the annually assessed dues.

(d)    Dues for individual/corporate sponsoring members shall be $100.

A member is in good standing upon application and payment of membership dues for the fiscal year.


Section 1.  Eligibility of Officers

General and retired members of the organization in good standing shall be eligible for election to the office of President, President Elect, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2.  Term of Office

Officers shall serve a two-year term.  No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 3.  Duties of Officers

(a)    President: The President shall have all general powers and duties that are generally vested in the office of the President as defined by Robert’s Rules of Order, shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and general meetings; shall appoint the chairperson of all committees, permanent and ad hoc; shall appoint individuals to fulfill responsibilities deemed necessary to accomplish the objectives of the organization; and shall serve as the principal spokesperson of the organization.

(b)   President Elect: The President Elect shall carry out the duties of the President in the President’s absence, shall serve as co-chairperson of the Program Committee, and shall perform such other functions as may be set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws.

(c)    Recording Secretary:  The Recording Secretary shall maintain an accurate record of the proceedings of the organization and shall pass this material on, in good condition, to succeeding secretaries. The Recording Secretary will also send out correspondence on behalf of the organization as directed by the President or the Executive Board and shall maintain an accurate list of the membership.

(d)   Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall receive and record all monies of the organization and shall disburse all monies owed by the organization as directed by the Executive Board.  The Treasurer shall maintain accurate accounts of all income and expenses and be responsible for preparation of an annual financial report and audit.  All accounts of the organization shall be open for inspection by any member of the organization.  The Treasurer shall also report on the financial status of the organization at every regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 4.  Method of Selection

Officers of the organization shall be elected by mail or electronic mail balloting of the membership every other year, or at a duly called meeting.  The election shall conclude and the results reported at the next scheduled meeting of the year, as follows:

(a)    Nominations:  In the enabling year, the Election Committee shall solicit nominations from members. Members in good standing and members may make additional nominations from the floor at the regularly scheduled meeting. The names of nominees and identifying information shall appear on the ballots.

(b)   Voting: Within fourteen days of the presentation of nominations, the Election Committee shall send ballots to all members in good standing by mail or by electronic mail.  Elections may be held at a duly called meeting upon proper notification of the membership prior to the final meeting of the year.  Ballots shall be returned within 14 days from the mailing date.  The winner of each election shall be the nominee receiving a plurality of the votes cast.  In case of a tie, the election shall be decided by the flip of a coin.

(c)    Installation of Officers:  Newly elected officers shall be recognized and installed at the last meeting of the year.

Section 5.  Vacancies

(a)    President: In the absence of the President, either temporarily or indefinitely, the  President-Elect of the organization shall accede to that office with all duties and prerogatives ascribed to that office in the Constitution and By-Laws. The President Elect can only be elected by a majority of the membership at a duly called meeting.

(b)   President Elect:  Should the office of President-Elect become permanently vacant; the President may appoint a member of the then current Executive Board to fill the vacancy.  The appointment shall be confirmed by a majority of the Executive Board.

(c)    Recording Secretary and/or Treasurer:  Should the office of Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, or Treasurer become permanently vacant, the President may appoint a replacement from the then current Executive Board. Such appointment shall be approved by a simple majority of the Executive Board.  The President may also call for an immediate election to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.

Section 6.  Removal of Officers

A recall petition signed by at least one-third of the voting membership shall be presented to the Public Policy and Legislation Committee.  After due process has been accorded to the person referred to in the petition, the Public Policy and Legislation Committee shall make its recommendation to the Executive Board.  Upon receipt of the recommendation, the Executive Board shall submit the question to a vote of the membership at the earliest opportunity and in the most feasible manner.  A two-thirds majority of the voting membership shall be required to remove an officer.  Vacancies created as a result of removal of an elected officer shall be filled in the manner prescribed in Section 5 of this Article.

Section 7.  Conflict of Interest

The officers and agents of the organization, and their spouses, minor children, parents, or other relatives, shall be prohibited from participating in businesses or having financial interests that conflict with their fiduciary obligation.

Section 8.  Bonding Requirement

Every official or employee of the organization who handles funds or other property of the organization, or who handles trusts in which the organization has an interest, shall be bonded.


Section 1.  Composition

The Executive Board shall be comprised of the elected officers of the organization and the chairpersons of any existing or newly approved permanent committees.

Section 2.  Term of Office

All Executive Board members shall serve a two-year term.

Section 3.  Chairperson

The President of FABSE shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Board.  In the absence of the President, the President Elect shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Board.  Should both the President and the President Elect be unable to attend the Executive Board Meeting, the President shall designate one of the other Executive Board members to preside at the meeting.

Section 4.  Duties of the Executive Board

(a)    Authority:  The Executive Board shall review and approve all policies and practices of the organization and in all matters serve as the official body to speak in behalf of the organization. It shall have the power to review and determine the eligibility of all applicants for membership, except that no individual may be denied membership based on race, national origin, religion, age, handicapping condition, or sex.

(b)   Meetings:  The Executive Board shall be called into session at least bimonthly between September and June by the President or by any four members upon a ten-day notice.  The Executive Board shall determine the time and place of meetings.  All Executive Board meetings shall be open to the FABSE membership.

(c)    Voting:  Each Executive Board member shall have one vote and official action shall require a majority vote of the members present.

Section 5.  Vacancy of Executive Board Positions

Vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of Articles IV and VI of the By-Laws.  However, should the position of President become vacant, either temporarily or indefinitely, the position shall remain vacant until such time that new officers are installed, and the current President Elect becomes the President.

Section 6.  Removal of Executive Board Members

Executive Board members may be removed in accordance with the provisions of Articles IV and VI.  In addition, with regard to the President, a petition stating the reason for removal and signed by at least one-third of the membership must be submitted to the Executive Board.  Upon receipt of the petition, the Executive Board shall submit the question to a vote of the membership at the earliest opportunity and in the most feasible manner.  A two-thirds majority of the voting membership shall be required for removal.


Section 1.  Permanent Committees

(a)     Public Policy and Legislation

(b)    Membership

(c)     Public Relations

(d)    Scholarship

(e)    Research, Evaluation, and Development

(f)      Election

(g)     Social

(h)    Program

Section 2.  Duties

The duties and responsibilities of each committee are to implement the objectives of the committee as established by the Executive Board.  Each committee shall submit a written report to the Executive Board at its bimonthly meetings and a written report to the membership at the last meeting of the year.

Section 3.  Chairperson of Permanent Committees

The chairperson of each permanent committee shall be appointed by the President and approved by a simple majority of the Executive Board and shall serve a term of two years.  However, the President-Elect of the organization shall serve as the chairperson of the Program Committee.  The chairperson of each committee may be reappointed for additional terms if the need for continuity of the function is deemed essential to the purposes of the committee.  The duties of the chairperson shall be to conduct committee meetings and coordinate the activities of the committee.  The chairperson of each permanent committee shall serve on the Executive Board of this organization.

Section 4.  Members

Membership on a permanent committee is voluntary.

Section 5.  Special Committees

Special committees may be established by the President of the organization with a simple majority vote of the Executive Board.


Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be the authority governing proceedings in meetings of this organization, so far as such rules are not in conflict with provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws and such special rules of order that this organization might hereafter adopt.


Amendments to the By-Laws may be proposed to the Executive Board by petition signed by one-third of the members in good standing, or by a majority vote of the Executive Board.  Upon receipt of the petition, the Executive Board shall submit the question to a vote of the membership at the earliest opportunity and in the most feasible manner.  To be adopted, amendments to the By-Laws must be approved by two-thirds of the membership in good standing and voting.


These By-Laws shall become ratified by a simple majority of the members present and in good standing.


In the event that this organization, for whatever reason, votes to terminate its existence, the FABSE treasury, after the payment of all financial obligations that may have been incurred by the organization, shall be donated to a non-profit charitable or educational organization or group as determined by the Executive Board.

(adopted: December 1, 2004, and proposed October 20, 2020)  ­­­

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